Monday, April 26, 2010

Antipasti Olive Spread

As dawn flew over the valley, Red Glove stirred from an enveloping sleep to be welcomed by a craving that tore at the edges of her consciousness.

Smashed Olive Spread. Mmmmmmm.

But being the poor SuperFoodyHero she is, Red Glove doesn't stock such healthy treats. But Lady Fortune smiles upon those less fortunate that strive to do good in their lives, and be Heroes. Red Glove's housemate, GreekBoy, has a SuperFarmerOfOlivesMom.

This wonderful development means that for the past 2 weeks, Balmoral Cottage has been stocked with Fresh Olives and Fresh Olive Oil straight from the farm.


The recipe is simple. Steal a handful of Olives from a housemate.

Then use SuperSmash to pound them into a yummy spread.

Put the Pounded Olives into a bowl, and pour in some Fresh Olive Oil.

Then pop them into the oven, with maybe 2 slices of bread (save electricity! use the oven! Not the toaster! Red Glove believes in The Environment, and in You)

The Result?

A savoury breakfast, Perfect for a morning spent luxuriously wasted in front of an excellent book. Such as Murakami's, Norwegian Wood:

Ah, the life of a Hero.

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