Friday, April 23, 2010

Sambal Bee Hoon with Char Siu

Spatula Girl’s attempt to fry Bee Hoon Sambal Style.
Red Glove’s failed Char Siu Pork side dish.
Regular lunch heroics in the Balmoral House.

Bee Hoon Ingredients:
1 leaf off a big ass cabbage
Just like half a Chilli
3 Cloves of chopped Garlic
1 large chopped Onion
2 Eggs (add salt to eggs)
Sambal Chilli Sauce
Soy Sauce (A Spatula Girl staple ingredient)
Oyster Sauce

Bee Hoon Method:
1. Boil Bee Hoon till soft.
2. Chop up your onions and chilli, dump in to fry till onions slightly brown-ish.
3. Start chopping your cabbage leaf to whatever size you think is comfy for your mouth. Dump into wok soon as you are done.
4. Whisk eggs with salt, lay into wok, fry mooooore.
5. Make sauce (Mix all three sauces together in random quantities) while frying.
6. Do not repeat Spatula Girl’s flying sauce adventure. It may have left Red Glove in fits of giggles, but Spatula Girl mourned the dead soy sauce greatly.

7. Drain Bee Hoon, dump into wok with veggie mix.
8. Dump sauce in too! Mix, stir, whatever you do to get everything the right colour.

7. Ready when soft/looks yummy.

Char Siu Pork:
Buy Char Siu sauce from a supermarket near you.
Get Pork spare ribs from a pig.
Dump both into a non-stick frying pan. Red Glove used a teaspoon amount of sauce.
Mix, and serve like 20 minutes later cause it takes ages cooked as badly as Red Glove’s dish was.
For a proper recipe, use google.

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